Terms and Conditions

(Boarding Agreement)

Name of Cat(s) 1.
Microhip No.(s) 1.
Check-in Date> Check-in Time
Check-out Date Check-out Time
No. of days/nights Type of Board
Name of Owners 1.
Contact No.(s) 1.
Emergency Name & Contact

I, owner of the above cat(s) (and where there is more than one owner, I confirm that I am authorised to agree to these terms on behalf of all owners), request that my cat(s) be boarded at Catnap Feline Suites (“Catnap”) on the terms set out in this document.

I also confirm that I have read and understood, and where applicable, agree to the answers to the Frequently Asked Questions, which is available on Catnap’s website. 

The following is agreed to by me:

Rates & Payment

  1. I agree to pay the following charges:

  • Daycare Suite (half day): $20

  • Daycare Suite (full day): $40

  • Daycare Chateau (half day): $50

  • Daycare Chateau (full day): $ 90

  • Overnight Suite (boarding): $48 per day, $30 per day for every adjoining Suite if more than one Suite is booked

  • Overnight Chateau (boarding): $88 per day

 Day boarding includes:

a. 24/7 air-conditioning

b. Playtime of 15-30 minutes with access to common play area

c. Clearing of single-use litter pans when necessary

d. One meal

Overnight boarding includes:

a. 24/7 air-conditioning

b.  Daily updates, including photographs or videos of the cat(s)

Catnap is entitled to use any such photograph or video in their social media posts or for advertising purposes.

d. Daily playtime of 15-30 minutes with access to common play area

e. Daily cleaning and disinfection of Suite/Chateau

f.  Daily clearing of single-use litter pans

g.  Daily changing of water bowl

h. Two meals daily


2. I agree to pay these charges in full at the time of booking, and understand that these are only refundable in the following circumstances, or at the sole discretion of Catnap:

  • Cancellation more than 30 days before date of check in: 100% refund in the form of voucher for a subsequent stay

  • Cancellation between 14 to 30 days before check in: 50% refund in the form of voucher for a subsequent stay

  • Cancellation less than 14 days before check in: no refund

  • Check Out earlier than stated Check Out Date: no refund

3. I agree that if there is a need to reschedule the stay, I will inform Catnap as soon as practicable. In the event there is no vacancy on the rescheduled dates, the original dates would be treated as cancelled and clause 2 will apply.

Other Charges

4. I understand that the following are not included in the charges at clause 1, and that additional charges may apply:

a.  Veterinary charges in the event my cat(s) need medical care and attention.

b.  Transport charges to or from the veterinary clinic / hospital.

c.  Transport charges to or from Catnap.

d.  Food, where none is provided by me or if I did not provide sufficient food for the whole duration.

e.  Special meal times.

f.  Grooming and spa services, which may be outsourced. I agree that if I opt for such services, I will not hold Catnap liable for any adverse event arising from such services.

g. Extra play time. I agree that in the event my cat(s) is shy and does not wish to play, there will be no refund for this.

5. If I wish to add any of the items at clauses 4(d), (e), (f) and (g), I will inform Catnap and agree to the charges for these items before the Check In Date.

Conditions for Admission/Boarding

6. I confirm that each of my cat(s):

a. if they are more than 6 months old, have been sterilised;

b. has had Revolution or similar applied not earlier than one month prior to the Check In Date;

c. has been tested negative for FIV/FeLV by a registered veterinarian;

d. is not carrying any infectious or contagious disease that may potentially spread to other cats; and

e. has been vaccinated against (i)feline parvovirus/panleukopenia virus, (ii)feline calicivirus, and (iii)feline herpesvirus/rhinotracheitis virus, at least two weeks before the Check In Date, or has blood test results certified by a veterinarian indicating satisfactory antibody immunity.


7. At least three days prior to the Check In Date, I will provide copies of documents from a registered veterinarian evidencing (i) sterilisation (if applicable), (ii) vaccination for the viruses at clause 6(d) that has been administered within the last 1 year, or blood test results indicating satisfactory antibody immunity, and (iii) negative blood test result for FIV/FeLV.

8. If my cat(s) is unable to be vaccinated for any medical reason, I will provide a written note from a registered veterinarian explaining this, and declaring that my cat(s) is nonetheless suitable to be admitted or boarded at Catnap.

9. I agree that Catnap can decline to admit or board my cat in any of the following situations, in which event, there will be no refund of the charges paid:

a. if my cat is unwell and there is no note from a registered veterinarian confirming that my cat is nonetheless suitable to be boarded or admitted;

b. if the documents at clause 7 have not been provided; or

c. if my cat(s) is overly aggressive at check in, and does not allow itself to be handled.


10.  I will ensure that my cat(s) are collected by the Check Out Time. In the event my cat(s) cannot be collected by the stated time:

a.  I will notify Catnap as early as possible.

b. Where my cat(s) can only be collected more than one hour after the Check Out Time, I agree to pay an additional amount of $10 per hour after the expiry of one hour from Check Out Time.

c. Where there is no available space for my cat(s) after Check Out Time, I agree that Catnap is entitled to place my cat(s) in an alternative enclosure or in their carrier.

d. If I do not inform Catnap of any changes in the Check Out Time, and my cat(s) are not collected after 48 hours from Check Out Time, Catnap is entitled to treat my cat(s) as having been abandoned, and to notify the relevant authorities and/or rehome my cat(s).


11. I confirm that the emergency contact provided by me has the authority to make decisions on my cat(s)’ health and Cat Nap will not be liable if there should be any adverse consequences in carrying out the decisions of my emergency contact.

12. If my cat(s) has a chronic condition requiring the administration of medication, I will provide sufficient quantities of such medication to cover the duration of my cat’s admission or board. I acknowledge that Catnap is unable to perform any dialysis or subcutaneous fluid administration should my cat require the same, and would need to send my cat to a veterinarian for this purpose, in which event, I will bear the veterinary charges and transport costs.

13. I may request Catnap to provide treats to my cat(s), and agree that I will not hold Catnap liable if my cat(s) have an adverse reaction to any such treats.

14.I understand that other cats will also be admitted or boarded at Catnap during my cat(s)’ admission or board, and that while other cat owners are also required to ensure the matters at clause 6 for their own cats, there is a possibility that my cat(s) may contract an illness or injury while at Catnap’s premises.

15.I agree that I will not hold Catnap or any of its employees liable for any illness or injury that my cat(s) may suffer while at Catnap’s premises or for the duration of my cat(s)’ admission or board with Catnap.




Name of Owner:


 Name of Owner:
